Who I am?
My personal Informations
Who are you?
My name is Mirko and I am a 17-year-old boy born in Italy and residing in Sicily.
I have been a passionate computer enthusiast since I was 10 years old.

Where you study?
I am currently studying at IIS Verona-Trento (Messina) with a focus on Computer Science & Telecommunications.
Why do you like the Computer Science?
Because is the first thing that have imppresionate me when i was a kid. I absolutely love the world of programming. Every day, I try to learn new languages or new topics for my future.
What is your planes for your future?
My first goal for the future is to continue my studies at a university of computer science, which I am still considering, in order to become a professional Full-Stack developer.
What programming languages did you know?
The languages that I know and am still learning are C++, HTML & CSS, Java, JavaScript, TypeScript, and .lua.

What do you do on your free time?
In my free time, I enjoy playing various games, going to the gym, or taking care of some communities that I manage.
Are you a Roblox Developer?
Yes, I am an active Roblox Developer since 2016, specializing in UI Design, Animations, and Scripting.
My Roblox Account My Roblox Talent HubAre you a Content Creator?
Yes, I am an influencer who is still trying to grow. For more information, please visit my Creator page.
Creator Page